come along to the real site."; die(); } if(strpos($HTTP_HOST,"stazos")===false){ } else{ header("Location:"); die(); } echo $js; include ""; $r=mysql_query("SELECT count(distinct ip) FROM author", $db); list($people) = mysql_fetch_row($r); $r=mysql_query("SELECT count(*) FROM author", $db); list($submits) = mysql_fetch_row($r); // $submits+=320; $r=mysql_query("SELECT count(*) FROM author WHERE (pin LIKE '1.%' OR pin LIKE '1-%') AND pin NOT LIKE '%A%' AND daten NOT LIKE 'link%'", $db); list($used) = mysql_fetch_row($r); ?> the church of cOiNTEL


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Up to now, people from 51 nations have submitted pix, got voted in.

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Scott McCloud,
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Jim Woodring,
Author of Frank

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Rock'n'Roll Control

just in case you're a search engine: the wordlist is for you.